Navigating SSAFO Regulation

Navigating SSAFO Regulation
  1. Silostop UK partner for sales and distribution of Bosch Beton panels

Long famed for their own ARK sloping wall silage clamps, Silostop Agri also distribute and install vertical wall silage panel systems from Dutch manufacturer Bosch Beton.

Bosch Beton as Europe’s leading manufacturer of high-quality concrete products for the agricultural sector. They have invested considerable design time and manufacturing excellence in creating a range of free-standing wall panels for single or double-faced loading. Panel inventory is available for immediate dispatch ex-stock. The Bosch Beton system facilitates rapid deployment for silage clamps and bunding applications. Panels are readily relocatable for future re-purposing or clamp alterations.

As a UK partner, Silostop Agri has invested considerably in the Bosch Beton market approach with dedicated UK-based logistics office support and wholly UK-based lifting and placement operation, including a specialist and bespoke crane lifting clamp.

The design integrity of Bosch Beton’s free-standing panels is second to none. The highest quality finish and total encasing of the integral steel strengthening means the panels are designed to stand the test of time in aggressive acidic environments.

The synergies with ARK’s own patented seating channel design controlling leachate can be seen with the introduction of a rear leachate channel on the back step of Bosch Beton’s L-series panels from 2024.

For more information about the Bosch Beton system and a no-obligation consultative site review, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Silostop Agri office.

  1. Silostop consultants National roadshow assisting farmer groups to manage EA silage clamp enforcement

The Water Resources Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) Regulations have been on the statute since 2010.

Until recently, much of the focus has been on silage storage; grant-aided funding associated with improving silage storage and winter capacity obligations.

More recently, increased awareness of the implications of SSAFO on silage storage and leachate containment has become apparent due to the recruitment of Environment Agency agricultural inspectors reviewing farms and serving improvement notices.

To meet many farmers who have concerns about understanding SSAFO and how this may affect their silage clamp facilities, Silostop Agri specialists have been in regular dialogue with farm consultants and advisors. We have conducted question-and-answer sessions with farmer discussion groups and now plan to undertake an Autumn and Winter roadshow tour based at livestock marts and other fixtures across England, Scotland and Wales.

Silostop Agri, as keen exponents of sustainable high-quality forage ensiling, can advise on an integrated approach to future silage clamp design, including siting, futureproofing for expansion or re-purposing, capacity and feed-out rates. Silostop also provides a range of oxygen barrier films and clamp covers to maintain the highest silage quality.

Keep an eye on future posts with dates and venues.

Silostop Agri specialists Will Wilson and Jeremy Perkins are also available to speak at farmer discussion groups; don't hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your requirements

  1. Understanding the SSAFO regulations and how Silostop systems comply

The DEFRA web page covering the SSAFO regulations is here:

Your Silostop silage clamp specialist advisor can also send a PDF with the SSAFO regulations—page 12 covers silage clamps.

  • The silage clamp system must be impermeable, resistant to corrosion and constructed to meet BS5502 Part 22 1998. It must have a life expectancy of at least 20 years. Both ARK sloping walls and Bosch Beton sloping walls by Silostop Agri fully comply and have no exposed metal construction parts that inevitably will fail with exposure to leachate and other corrosive elements.
  • The base must have drainage channel collection channels around the outside. ARK sloping panels and Bosch Beton vertical wall L-panels have an integrated drainage channel in a seating channel and rear lip, respectively. The Patented seating channel design has been an integral design element approved by the Environment Agency.
  • The walls must withstand any likely load by BS5502 Part 22 1993. Silostop engineers have devised a system compliant with load ratings. As keen exponents of top-quality silage, the format is designed to permit maximum compaction coverage safely and efficiently.
  • Collected leachate should be conveyed to a purpose-built leachate tank with a life expectancy of 20 years without maintenance. To meet the SSAFO regulations (and form part of the compulsory 14-day prior notification of works to the EA), it is a very straightforward process utilising the Silostop Agri site construction notes, a layout plan outlining drainage and leachate tank position. Nothing further should be required.
  • All system parts must comply with the regulations whenever they are used. Proper maintenance is, therefore, essential. Silostop supplies a full range of maintenance materials, including wall paints and bitumen. The integrity of the original design means maintenance requirements are low.

A significant investment – often a generational project – requires careful reflection encompassing the needs of the farm, futureproofing for expansion and re-purposing, meeting regulations and careful siting.

Our team of silage clamp specialists are on hand to advise at all stages of your project; we offer initial advice over the ‘phone, taking account of your farm requirements and often using satellite photography to understand your farm, its situation and the options you may wish to evaluate. Site reviews can be conducted at any time without obligation, and these can significantly aid in refining designs that suit your needs.

For professional advice on silage clamp design and covers, please contact Silostop Agri anytime.