In the United States, sustainability in agriculture continues to be a popular topic of conversation and unclear definitions of sustainability can make it difficult for farmers to understand their place in achieving sustainability in their own operations. As a result, we would like to share some insights into how simple sustainability decisions today are crucial for the longevity of your family’s farm tomorrow.
Here at Silostop Agri, we value what matters most to farmers. Your time and money are precious resources, which is why we provide labor-saving silage solutions that generate a higher return on investment for your operation. This is crucial for the economic viability of your operation—but the benefits go even further than that.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, roughly 96% of farms in the U.S. are family-owned. As a result, a common concern among farmers across the country is ensuring that the farm is in a strong position when the time comes for the next generation to take over. Ultimately, this requires careful stewardship of the land to preserve your farm’s soil, water, and other natural resources as well as a thoughtful succession plan.

With this in mind, making intentional decisions to invest in solutions and implement processes that leave your farm in the best possible condition for future generations is a no-brainer. Choosing more sustainable methods of silage protection is one of the first steps we recommend.
Silostop Agri is the first agricultural company to introduce a silage film/covering system that reduces the overall plastic required by 60%, and all of our products are fully recyclable. This is a major benefit in the U.S., where heavy, non-recyclable plastics dominate the market. Not only this, but our products also help to reduce silage losses while simultaneously improving the quality of your silage. This leads to a higher quality end product, helping your bottom line.
The good news is, you do not have to choose between sustainability and the economic viability of your family’s farm. Taking one step to increase your operation’s sustainability efforts with Silostop Agri begins a cycle in which you are able to produce more silage, better silage, and reduce your impact on the land—all while ensuring that your family can stay on the farm for generations to come.
We are committed to providing sustainable solutions for our customers across the globe. For current and potential customers in the United States, we encourage you to contact our team.